Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Yung berg???

Now I know all of yall heard Yung Bergs lil radio interview when he said that he doesnt like dark skinned woman and called them all "Dark Butts"

For one, Yung Berg got no room to talk. First time I saw him I thought he looked like a low budget Bow Wow. Only reason he went on the air to say this is because he knows his music aint that good and he needs publicity or he thinks his music is so gud, his fans wont disown him. Them dark skinned beauties dont want yo disease carrin ass anywayz(Yep I heard he may have gave some chix Chlamydia...)


He went back and made some youtube apologie talkin bout how he was sorry and he loves women of all colors. Yung Berg...STFU.


He did another interview talkin bout how he didnt mean what he said but he perfers latino or hispanic women<----excuse me if i twisted his words up a little but i believe he said hispanic women.Wow this dude just wont quit.


There're photos of him kissin a "Dark Butt"???I dont know you tell me!!!!

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