Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Princess Tiana, The 1st black Princess

I would like to present you with Disney's first black princess, Princess Tiana from New Orleans. I'm so happy that Disney would even consider a black Princess considering the fact that every black show on Disney was taken off or canceled I.E. Smart Guy, The Proud Family, Sister Sister, Thats so Raven, and The Famous Jett Jackson<----yea I know thats mad old but I loved that show and Silverstone was a baddie and we don't even have many main characters in the Disney original movies. Even though they did give us the movie "Jump In" which included the stereotypes of every black girl having braids and thinking that they were "All That'. The slang in that movie was off about 10 decades but to get back on subject...Congrats Disney...I guess.

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